Saturday, August 23, 2008


So, yesterday I ate only low carb. GORP for lunch, then left over shrimp and tomatoes, then later grilled pork chops. I felt full. That was OK, but then nothng ever moved. I was waking up every hour or so still feeling full. Finally did move my bowels, which helped a lot. This AM I felt sick, so I didn't even get up. Finally had two hard boiled eggs at 10:30 or so, followed by my oral chemo. Now it's 1:00 and I'm starting to feel a little human. I think the whole thing is still side effects from the IV chemo I had Thursday. You may remember Dr B the DIL said that the side effects can be cumulative, so each time I get a treatment the effects are worse. Sure seems that way!

I watched the US women's soccer win for the gold. Awesome!

Joe Biden? Kinda makes sense when you think about it. Now McCain needs a guy with a good background in economics.

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