Chaucer was right! This morning at the crack of dawn, which comes just after O-dark-30, the neighbor's rooster crowed, nice and clear and loud. Just like Chaucer described it. Not that I ever doubted Chaucer- he was a pretty acute observer of the human condition. Odd that he never mentioned the Plague, though.
I watched the last of the USA-Norway women's soccer game this morning. USA lost. Too bad. I didn't get to see the whole game, so can't say if it was a good game or not.
In case anyone is interested in the other 800 lb gorilla in the room, which nobody ever mentions, see
I remain in good condition- still some gastric distress if I eat ice cream, for example, which might be the lactose intolerance. Whatever- I'm noticeably better than when I was in the same position on the last chemo cycle. Not to get any hopes up, but I feel better! Back before the chemo, I was noticeably worse over time- I would feel worse. We'll see what the medical people have to say after the CT scan next week.
For the record, I did have more margarita last evening. In fact, you could call it a double. Love that lime!
Now the Olympics has hockey- which they are taking pains to tell us is the real name of the game played on grass with a ball and sticks. The game played on ice is called ice hockey, I guess. The ball sounds hard, maybe wood. They say it's been played for 2000 years and is the oldest stick-and-ball game. I guess that would make it the ancestor of all those games- soccer, handball, and the like. They play with little short sticks.
Toe Nail Fungus Resolution
20 hours ago
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