Friday, August 15, 2008


Clothes make the man! Or at least make him feel better. I went on a quest yesterday, and wore new Dockers and a polo shirt that fit, and shined shoes. I felt entirely better about myself, and better than when I was drooping around. This whole idea of going to the ACS in Philly is turning out to be a real good thing for my attitude about life and myself.

I see I forgot to spell check yesterday. Sorry! I'll try to remember in the future.

Kinda damp and chilly today in the EF, after rain last night. Today is the CT scan; we won't get the results until we see Dr W next Thursday. Weight about 150 again today.

1 comment:

Emma Burns said...

Clothes that don't fit can really mess you up psychologically!

I used to dress up to write papers in grad school. Puts you in the right professional frame of mind. I find that sitting at a desk to write at home gives me a completely different mindset than slumping on the couch, too.

Have fun at ACS!!!