I've been- poked, prodded, stuck, blood sucked out, chemicals pumped in. In short, chemoed.
Yesterday I met with the estimable Dr D, which always fun as well as being helpful and informative. He always looks at the whole patient, as opposed to the specialists who tend to look at the disease. Anyway, he gave me a script for my toe, which seems to have acquired chronic cellulitis, whatever that is. I've had 4 treatment cycles with k-flex, to no avail. It gets better, then comes back after the k-flex is over. This time I've got something stronger. He also said that the only objective measure of how I am doing is my weight. (He knows that I know what he means by 'objective'.) My weight is holding in the low 154s and has been for a month or so.
Today was Geisinger Medical Center. They did their usual thing- took blood, ran quick analyses, measured vitals, the talk to J the PA. She is really happy- says I'm responding just the way they want me to. Counts are good, including the WBC which I've had trouble with. She is also very impressed by my level of reduced pain, better digestion, and the like. She will talk to Dr W re a CT scan in the near future. And she is so nice that she is trying to schedule around the ACS meeting in Philly. In short, she's pushing that old gorilla around pretty good.
When I lost my intuition
18 hours ago
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