Pain is not a good thing. Useful, and even necessary, but uncomfortable. I did skip one Oxycontin, and ended up in pain. Not the agonizing can't stand it kind of pain, but the kind where it hurts a little all the time. So I restarted the every 12 hour routine. As a consequence of messing with the gorilla, it wouldn't let me sleep last night, so I'm a little whoosy today. So it was a good experiment in the sense that I got a definite result, albeit a negative one.
No gastric distress today. I had pork chops for dinner- that's it, just pork chops grilled on the outside grill, with the obligatory red wine- and they digested nicely. Seems to me that meat and fat digest well, but too much grain leads to distress. I suppose that's what Dr S at Penn meant when he said eat junk food.
Cold here last night! It was 55 this morning, and that's cold for the end of July. The forecast is for rain for the weekend through Monday. Grass is too short to cut now, but will be knee high by then. O well. It's a beautiful day in the EF today.
When I lost my intuition
18 hours ago
1 comment:
That gorilla seems awfully particular. Doesn't like its routine upset! Bossy thing!
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