I believe some old friends from my work days are reading the blog. Welcome! Feel free to comment, pass on the blog url to anyone else who might be interested, or just read if that floats your boat. I do see some of the State College crew on occasion, especially at the ROC ex-employees dinners, and several have stopped by to say hi, which is highly appreciated.
That 800 lb gorilla in the room is a little restive this morning. A little discomfort in the guts, a little diarrhea. It doesn’t rise to the level of pain, probably because of the narcotics I’m on. Funny though- even the bad days are now better than the bad days used to be. Strange.
Weather is sticky today, which may be contributing to the discomfort. It’s warm and humid after the rain last night. Highly buggy out there when Rollo and I went down for the paper at 7.
I’ve been falling asleep watching the ball game in the evenings, after taking a nap in the afternoon, and last night woke up at about 3:30 all done sleeping. Well duh! I need to work at staying awake until bedtime.
I ordered a new Flight Simulator and joystick from Amazon; the joystick arrived yesterday. It’s big! Now I need to reconfigure my desk so everything fits without any steric hindrance. Maybe I’ll be able to fly in the evenings while watching the ball games which could help me stay awake.
When I lost my intuition
19 hours ago
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