This gorilla is playing with me. After a day of sleep, I had a day of awake. Averages out, I guess. I slept for a while in the afternoon, but that’s all. Went to bed nicely at about 11, then laid there and listened to the silence.
We’re having a cat issue again. People drop off unwanted cats out here in the country instead of taking them to the ASPCA. So, Saturday a white cat with only one ear showed up. It was down by the mailbox when B and I took the dog down to get the mail. Cat wasn’t afraid of the dog, although it did hiss when he got too close. We hoped it was a neighbor cat, although we’d never seen it before. It’s spent the weekend working it’s way up the driveway, until it arrived at the house yesterday afternoon. It now is demanding food. It tried to get in the house last evening too. We had to throw water on it to chase it away from the door. Obviously a house cat- goes to the people for food. There are lots of mice around, but it probably never learned to hunt. Cats (and dogs) generally have to be taught that by the parent, although some learn on their own. So now we have to catch it and take it to the ASPCA ourselves. Why do people do that? They obviously had the cat, took some care of it, feed and that, and let it into the house, then decide they don’t want it any more and dump it along the road out in the country. What assholes. We feel sorry for the poor thing- but we don’t want a cat. Throwing water beats the .22, I guess. Less messy too. We’ll let the ASPCA do the dirty work if nobody adopts it.
Back to last night- the cat howled for a little while, then stopped. I felt fine, no pain, not even any discomfort. Just wide awake. Finally did sleep off and on during the night. This AM I was sleeping fine, so much so that the dog never got up until 8, which has put everything including this blog, late. Also, I was playing with the Flight Simulator. Although we say the dog gets us up at 7, that’s not really true. When I wake up and start moving around, that cues him to get up and lick face etc to get me up.
I had a little gastric distress yesterday, probably from all the sweet food we ate over the weekend. Last night I had a steak, after I chased the cat off the deck. Steak was fine- goes real well with red wine, you’ll not be surprised to hear. Digested well too- no distress during the night nor this AM.
When I lost my intuition
18 hours ago
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