Thanks to Maggie’s blogfriend A, who suggested the new title.
The gorilla is not being very cooperative. I took a nap in the AM, which made me feel worse- kind of painy in my GI tract. After lunch I did a short trip to Wal-Mart for junk food. Dr S at Penn told me I should be eating the junk food diet. Everything I was always taught was bad to eat is now good, and vice versa. Veggies are out, pizza is in. There is certainly no issue with gaining weight. I lost about 80 lbs, which left me right around 160, where I seem to be sticking, at least for now. And because the cancer is around the GI tract, there is not much room for expansion, so no big meals. The best thing is to eat almost continuously. Then there is the diarrhea issue, of which more later, which is a real pain in the butt. (pun intended.)
The short trip to Wally World wiped me out again. But I stocked up on frozen pizza and toasted sandwiches. Then I spent the afternoon sleeping, had a microwave pizza for dinner, and slept the evening too. Of course I paid for all that at 4 AM when I was wide awake!
Today looks like a better day, in spite of the morning cold. It was 52! IN July! The Enchanted Forest is very pretty today. We had a heavy dew, and now bright sun. Even the bugs are staying away. The bunnies were rioting on the lawn, a young robin was practicing touch-and-go on the driveway, and the birds were singing. Nice!
When I lost my intuition
18 hours ago
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