Sleep! (In agreement with a certain close relative of mine that everything needs one word titles.) Anyway, I lay down for a few minutes after lunch, in the middle of a screaming thunder storm, no less, and slept until 6. Not continuously, what with the thunder and the black dog coming to have me tell him it’s OK, but still. I guess the gorilla gets points for this one. Of course, I didn’t sleep real well last night. I turned the lights out after the Mets game was over, but didn’t get to sleep for a while and then woke up several times.
Baseball is back! Watched a Mets game last night. Now, how about a Cubs game? Baseball (and any sport) is really awesome on HD TV. TV has come a long way since the 9 inch snowy black and white screen.
Foggy day in the EF today, forecast to burn off and get to a high of 92. That’s HOT, even for me and my gorilla. I need to cut some grass somewhere in here too. The problem is waiting until the grass is dry enough to cut well, before it gets too hot to be comfortable. I’m not sure that time really exists every day.
When I lost my intuition
18 hours ago
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