It's a drippy day ion the EF. Rain woke me at 4 or so with thunder and the patter of the rain on the leaves, and it rained since then. Stopped for a while when the dog and I went down for the paper, but it's coming down again. Even then it was dripping from the trees.
Cat is gone to the ASPCA. Good luck, cat, maybe someone will adopt you. They said it's a neutered male, so someone spent a little money on it, as well as feeding it etc. and then dumping it out in the country. It's stupid as well as evil. Don't get me started on so-called people who are cruel to domesticated animals.
I just finished the last of the pie B brought. Boy, is it sticky! Had to de-sticky my desk.
Just lost the satellite signal for the TV. Also for the internet, I see. Happens when the storm clouds get in between the dish antenna and the satellite. Right in the middle of the Tour. Yesterday a guy went off on a little road on the side of the mountain- he just ran off the road, and then slid a fair way down the mountain. Another guy had to down and help him climb back up. I guess the bike shoes don't have much traction; no Vibram soles on those dudes! The bike kept going down the mountain for a while. They brought him another bike and just left his, probably for retrieval later.
Digestion is slightly messed up this AM. I had my usual gross eggs with toast and a cup of hot chocolate, then 20 minutes later an attack of mild diarrhea, which is a pain in the butt. Ho, ho- that's a joke, son! Hmmm- spell checker in Blogger won't work when I'm off the net. Anyway, I figured since digestion is messed up, I might as well have the pie. What else can it do, right? I've asked several times about that phenomenon- that I get an attack 20 minutes after eating. Is that the food I just ate or left over from earlier? Seems awful fast to be what I just ate. Never could get a straight answer.
Note to daughter M: Your description of the asthma sounds just like the descriptions of water boarding I've seen, especially how it feels. A journalist had it done to him to find out. It's not torture- our fearless leader told us so. Hey- if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, then just maybe you might find a duck egg around. A Supreme once said he couldn't define porno, but he sure knew it when he saw it. That's how I feel about torture, and they are dong it. IMHO, Bush is the worst president I've lived under, and I go back to Roosevelt.
When I lost my intuition
18 hours ago
1 comment:
Worst president for me too but I only go back to Johnson. It was Johnson, right? (I was very small.)
Now I'm even more upset over the waterboarding, which is obviously torture, whatever Mr. Declare Victory says.
I think you can say, "Would you want it done to you or anyone you care about?" and if the answer is NO then doing it to someone else is clearly torture. MUSIC can be used as torture. Aggggh!
The breathing isn't great but I'm hoping a day off to SIT STILL will help somehow. Not exactly sure how. But all the extra sleep helped.
Feel better!!!
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