Friday, September 12, 2008


Sorry, you guys, I got confused yesterday and totally forgot to post. We were really tired Wednesday evening, and then the dog slept through 7:00 AM which he never does except when we depend on him to get us up. It's not the dog's fault- nothing is ever the dog's fault! In any case we scrambled around eating breakfasts and showering in time to get out to get to Geisinger by 10 for my once every 3 weeks visit. We made it, but not by much. Anyway, the visit was uneventful, as we hope they all are. Weight is 153, down 4 lbs from 3 weeks ago. I've found my weight goes down when I get a chemo treatment, and then gradually works it's way back up into the 150s. So the only meaningful weight is the one they take every 3 weeks right before the treatment. We saw J the PA again, one of our favs. Everything else was fine- good counts, etc. The blood work for my toe taken in Bangor didn't make it- no surprise there. J was in Maine 3 weeks ago, in Bar Harbor as a matter of fact. I asked her if they did any fun stuff and she said, "yeah, got married!" I guess that qualifies. She says they did it right on the coast of the bay. Then they did a lot of kayaking, some pretty far out on the bay where they needed spray skirts and the like. She said the spray was flying around pretty good. Sounds like fun! Back to my health- she is having the head nurse call Bangor for the blood work. If they can't get it they can take some more. She wasn't sure if they could use the blood they took yesterday; it may all be spoken for. I don't know if they take spares or not. Back in the day, I always took two samples of plant batches and left one in the lab "just in case". In any case, the cancer remains "stable" which is the best we can hope for at this time. Remission, the other 800 lbs gorilla in the room nobody ever mentions, remains a possibility, but with long odds. I do feel better, though. Each cycle I feel better than the last, but the side effects are getting more serious. The cold sensitivity is especially bad today; it really hurt to cut up some onion and stuff for my gross eggs. Just holding the egg in my hand long enough to crack it was painful. J was concerned about my ankles swelling too, so she sent me over to the main hospital for an ultrasound on my legs to see if I have any clots. None. But that slowed things down some more. WE picked up some salads from the large snack bar in the main building, since it was lunch time by now, and took them back with us. One can eat or whatever while the iv is going in, which takes at least 2 hours, plus a flush and some other stuff. So I got the cell phone out and called daughter M in LA. She didn't answer so I left a voice message which she responded to by calling back. My ring tone is ravens calling- loud! Woke up everybody, including me. We had a nice chat about health and trailers and stuff.

Finally got out of there and went home in time to make dinner and go to bed. So I never posted.

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