Monday, September 22, 2008


I went back to drinking coffee about a week ago. It seems to me, purely subjectively, that the gastric distress is worse. So I'll stop coffee again- back to tea with milk and sugar, British style. Seems to me I ran this experiment once before with the exact same result.

An old friend and blog reader, P, asked about GORP and gross eggs. GORP stands for Good Old Raisins and Peanuts. I encountered the concept when cross-country skiing. One makes a mix of stuff to nibble on the trail in the cold. The way I make it at present is to start with a bag of granola, add mixed nuts (not just peanuts), dry fruit, raisins, apricots, dry apples, and a small bag of M&Ms. Mix well and eat. At home I use a spoon.

Gross eggs is really just scrambled eggs with onion and garlic. The first step is to saute the onion and garlic in olive oil. When I started making it, on Saturday mornings, it would smell up the house while the kids were sleeping, being teenagers, and they would wake to the odor which one of them considered gross. Now I make it with sausage, green peppers, mushrooms, cheese, and salsa, and three eggs, in addition to the onion. Yes, I eat three eggs a day; in my present condition this is a good thing.

I'm going to try swimming again today. Can't go wrong, right?

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