Last week I tried to take the Honda Pilot out for some exercise. Much to my horror it wouldn't start. Dead battery. I charged it overnight; it's fine now. Yesterday I took it out for some more exercise. I was driving down the road, minding my own business, when a mouse crawls out from down under the windshield wiper. On the pilot that a large black hole sort of place, full of dead leaves and the like. Anyway, mouse looks very unhappy about being out in the open at 40 mph, so it crawls back under. When I get home, I throw some moth balls under there. They make good mouse repellent too. This is outside the passenger compartment, outside the firewall, so I don't think the car is infested. That happened once before and daughter M and I took all the interior apart and stuffed it with moth balls. The car reeked of naphthalene for a while, but I guess it all sublimed away. It's refreshed.
Yesterday I tried to download my financials to my Quicken. it sits there for an hour saying it's downloading, but not. Hmm. Sounds bad. I loaded Quicken onto my laptop, then loaded the data file to a thumb drive and opened it on the laptop. Works fine, downloads nicely and all. I guess I'm gong to have to uninstall Quicken from the desktop and reinstall it.
I have to use a thumb drive because I can't get the laptop and desktop to talk to each other, although they are both on the same LAN. I suspect firewall issues, but I checked everything I know and can't find everything.
No bail-out yet, although I think there will be one this week. They need to feed their political dogs first. Looks like a lot of finger-pointing going on this AM. This would be a real good time to buy real estate if one had a bunch of cash laying around.
I need to go see Dr D in a few minutes. My toe is much better. And Thursday is the high spot of the week, the chemo treatment.
When I lost my intuition
18 hours ago