Well, he's back! I'm really not sure what is gong on, but it seems that the chemo did not work and probably did bad. It seems to have killed off a lot of the bacteria in my gut. Actually maybe not- could have been the other antibiotics I had. One guy thinks it was the stuff I took for the infected toe. Whatever the proximate cause, the effect was to decrease the populations of everything except this particular strain which then infected my colin thereby colitis. This then caused the increase in fluid in the intestinal tract, which killed my appetite ( no place for the food to go), etc. etc.
Anyway, I'm home again, and starting to feel better. Daughter E and SIL G were here for the festivities. My SIL is a big strong guy; very comforting in someone helping you upstairs.
When I lost my intuition
20 hours ago
Kudos to being home. Hospitals are terrible places for sick people.
--Northern Front
Wow. If you're at your desk you are much better!
Heard rumors that you ate, too.
Won't keep me from persisting in getting help in place for next time, though.
See you in a few days!
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