Note to the northern front- the northern range of the Eastern Timber rattler is in PA, home of the largest rattlers in the world.
Well, I'm back. I really needed a day off from the blog. It was really getting oppressive. I hear rumours about people being upset. Do you have any idea how depressing it is to send out a blog and get no response whatsoever? So I'll still Blog, but on my schedule and without the compulsion. I know I set it up that way.
We're experimenting with the different drugs, pain-killers as well as digestion meds, in different concentrations, and seem to be making some progress. IN the mean time, I'm still flaky from the pain pills, so much so that I can't trust myself to drive. Nor to write a coherent blog without a lot of effort!
When I lost my intuition
20 hours ago
My first husband didn't give me much feedback about how he felt, positively or negatively so I never knew what he was thinking. Even to be told that things were not great would have been a relief, to at least know what was on his mind. I imagined that he was pretty self-centered and that he really didn't care enough to communicate. What was actually going on, I found out later, was that he didn't want to speak to me for fear he'd alienate me by what he had to say. He was unwilling to risk looking bad in my eyes, just like I, too, didn't want to take a risk by saying what was on my mind. Neither of us had the courage to say that we were unhappy - little things - and it eventually allowed the marriage to fall apart because in response we stopped speaking to each other. Perhaps that is my story and it's just the opposite. I don't know who did what first, I just know the final result was that we didn't communicate anymore and just lost interest in each other.
Now I am just the opposite - I risk alienating my current husband all the time. It's not smooth sailing but it's communication.
One thing I learned is, you don't have to do anything for anyone. There is no compulsion except in one's own mind. You love a person not for what you do for each other but as an appreciation of who they are. Anything more is a gift but not a necessity.
With love,
Yeah! Blog when you want to! Hello, this is not a job. I'm always glad to see what's what (when I have internet access, grrrmph) but I think people who are worrying can CALL YOU if the worrying becomes untenable.
Note to readers: my dad is in the hospital for tests, not feeling so great. I just talked to him and he sounds okay but kind of down. Not sure they're going to keep him overnight--that depends on the outcome of the tests.
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