For those of you following Bootstrap Maggie, she made it here last evening and has now taken over her own blogging again. We fed her steak, wine, and orange cake. She seemed to need the food and rest.
I'm coming out of the post chemo blues, very slowly, but there is movement. I continue to have issues with the cold, although everybody else thinks it's not cold. This too is normal. Seems to me each chemo the side effects are worse, although between chemos I seem to be better. I'm trying to compare equivalent positions in the cycle, which isn't easy. But that's my subjective take on the situation.
Baseball is not as interesting as it was, with the Cubs out of it. I did watch most of the Red Sox- Rays game last evening- 4-4 at the end of the 8th- but it's not holding my interest the way it was when the Cubs were still in it. Who to root for- NOT the Red Sox, maybe the White Sox?
Politics seems to be going on as usual. Saw a clip of Palin speaking in Florida. She did well, good speaker, told a joke on herself re Tina Fay and SNL, took a few shots at their opponents. I still think she was a disastrous choice for McCain since she is a right wing lug nut. You'd think they could manufacture a reason for her to step aside and allow McCain to get one of his buddies in that slot, but they probably won't. And that's the problem.
When I lost my intuition
20 hours ago
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