I'm tuning my system- the system being the gorilla and the drugs and the diet and the rest of my life. The problem, of course, is there are too many uncontrolled variables. So when y0u change one (which is what we people do) some others change too, in uncontrolled fashion. To recap: Two nights ago I went up to 40 mg of the drug, from 20, and had a very positive result. So, not to take more than I need, I went back to 30 yesterday morning and evening. Things were OK- not great, but OK, until 4AM, aka O-dark-30, when I woke up with pain in the gut. So I got up and took a 5 mg not time release cap. (The 10 and 20mg sizes are time release over 12 hours.) The drug stays in my system for about 4-5 hours. I slept the rest of the night OK, except for being too warm, but not awake enough to take the blanket off. So I'm going to stick with 30 for another 12 hour cycle- in Science we call this a replicate which is a fancy word for repeat. Seems like I do this tuning thing a lot! Part of the problem is the gorilla changes in unpredictable ways.
In the midst of all this, I'm trying to set up a circulation fan in our family room. Heat is all against on wall, the short wall at that. There's not enough clearance for a ceiling mounted fan, so I'm trying to mount a small fan on top of the bookcase. Now this is really not a difficult problem, but I want it to run off the light switch. The outlets in that room are not switched, although they are in every other room in the house. The ceiling is the drop type, with fluorescent lights mounted above the ceiling and clear 2x4 tiles under them. So I'm trying to tie into that line with an outlet box, into which I can plug the fan. Should be doable. I'm kind of chipping at it- do a little each day to avoid exhaustion.
When I lost my intuition
20 hours ago
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