Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, folks, tea is a lot easier to live with than coffee. My whole GI system seems happier. I still had some gastric distress last evening, but I feel a lot batter. Like, a 1000 percent better!

I got into British-style tea when I was on a flight to Britain on British Airways. Those of you who have done this know that from the east coast one leaves in the evening and gets to Europe in the morning, after you wake up. BA served breakfast, and when asked, I asked for coffee. It was totally awful! When the flight attendant came by, I apologised and asked him for tea. (Yes, him.) The tea was so great- hot and tasty, add sugar and milk, and it's a little sweet and the milk makes it taste great and not so acid. I should have know better- on a British airline, never order coffee, always order tea. Of course, on both that trip and a subsequent one to the UK, I drank tea. One can get good coffee in the UK, but you have to go to a coffee shop and get what I think they called a "filter" to do so. Why bother when the tea is so good?

Yesterday I bought a steel cabinet to go in my office. I walked it up the stairs myself! It weighs 75 lbs, so I was impressed with myself. Today the plan is to modify it with hooks and so on. It's nice to have a project to do- one I can actually do.

I'll be reporting on the progress of daughter Maggie- aka Bootstrap Maggie- as she progresses across the country since she won't have any Internet on the way. She'll be able to call on the cell, of course, and I'll pass on progress reports. Stay tuned to this space!

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