The cold is getting to me, and it's only the first days of fall. Monday I went to the Y pool- it was so cold I didn't want to even get in. Oh, actually I guess I could have, but it really wasn't comfortable. I told them it was too cold. they said they have a new system and they can't leave it on all weekend. Why they can't control it, I don't know. The Y is open on the weekend, so there are people there. I don't think I'm going to try it today either.
This morning it was 45 when the dog and I got up at 7. This time of year, 7 is before sunrise. There is no indication of sun at all. A few weeks ago, The sun was shining on the top of the ridge across the valley, but not now. BTW, we live on the north side of a mountain ridge that runs east and west, and there is another ridge to the south up past the Marks dairy farm. It's a really nice view, most of the time.
The cabinet project is going well. Since it's in my office, I work in here. At one point yesterday I found myself sitting at my desk in my desk chair running an electric drill. Seemed incongruous. The photo at the top is my desk, without the drill. ( I can't put it in the text.) The LCD with the dog is the monitor; the one with the tennis match is the hd tv. The drill really doesn't go in there!
Now that I'm a week and a half past my last chemo treatment, I'm feeling better. I get a little discomfort in my left lung, which is undoubtedly the cancer pressing on the lung, but usually changing position, like in bed, makes it feel better. So far I haven't needed an oxycodone. Of course, the down side is I'm only a week and a half away from my next chemo.
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