Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yesterday was not a good day. Fair amount of pain in the guts in the morning, only moderated by the oxy. I did cut some more grass in the afternoon, but had to lie down after. The EF really looks nice today with the grass all fresh cut and the sun shining. The humidity is very low today, so it’s really very comfortable. Pain is at a low level, so I may go to Woolrich to get some pants to wear to Philly to the ACS meeting. I do have a standard dark blue blazer I can wear, so a couple of pairs of slacks in a light color would work with dress shirts and ties in place of a suit.

No baseball- it’s the all-star break. I’ve been watching the Tour de France, which would probably be more interesting if I understood what was going on, other than guys riding fast on bikes. I think they should reduce the motor bikes and support cars travelling with the field. Seems to me to be a disaster waiting to happen.

Political note- every once in a while I hear McCain say something I don’t care for. Like he doesn’t use the internet or email. He’s certainly smart enough- if they could teach him to operate a high speed combat jet from a carrier, he can certainly learn to use a computer. But he won’t. That says something about him I don’t care for.


Anonymous said...

Damn gorilla ought to go go back to sleep.

All-star break is hard on true fans. I overheard the talking heads for the celebrity game saying "we've learned that what is important here is nothing at all."

Keep the faith.

ACS meetings are exhausting for everyone, so please pace yourself! Pick what you want to see, and schedule lots of down time. I bought my wedding dress on "down time" from an ACS meeting. No one can be on that long.

Anonymous said...

McCain says some goofy stuff. Maybe he's going for the geritric-won't-use-a-computer vote. The only person I agree with 100% of the time is me--and I have some regrets later.
--son type