Friday, July 11, 2008

Went to Geisinger- usual blood-letting, vitals, etc. Counts are up enough so that I got another chemo treatment. It whipped me out. I got home OK, even started loading my new Flight Simulator, then had to go to sleep. NO dinner, no nothing, until 6:00 AM. That’s powerful stuff, and I guess it needs to be to fight that 800 lb gorilla. This morning I’m awake, but still very lethargic, no energy. I have to go back to Geisinger this afternoon for a shot of long-lasting Neupogen which supposed to raise my white blood and other counts. This stuff would cost $3000 a shot if they prescribe it for self- infliction, but there is no cost if they administer it. Go figure the insurance business.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?

It’s a glorious day in the EF, as promised, with bright sun and a few white clouds in the sky. The thistles are blooming nicely; I’ll try to remember to get a photo for y’all.

No news from the northern front. I guess they are really busy with unpacking and all.

1 comment:

Emma Burns said...

Down, gorilla! Down! Grrrrrrr!