Monday, June 30, 2008

It's a warm and sunny day in the EF. Really nice- I like the warm a lot more than I used to. This is the first installment of what I hope will be a regular log of how it's going. Maybe even daily, if the 800 lb gorilla approves. Maybe even go to a blog.

Anyway, it was a good night. Slept well, only awakened a few times, the last at about 5:40 in time for some oxycodone. I'm taking oxycontin every 12 hours, at 8 AM and PM, but it only lasts about 9-10 hours, so the discomfort wakes me. I've found if I take an oxycodone then it gets me through the transition with a minimum of pain. Minimum of pain is desirable. Gross eggs for breakfast, followed by Bear Nakid blueberry granola and Boost in the middle of the morning.

I'm watching the Wimbledon tennis matches. No nap this morning, although I did lie down and watch the tennis from bed for a while. Think I'll go cut some grass before it rains again.

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